The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization of Australia found that eating citrus fruits every day can also reduce the incidence of stroke by 19%.
Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits are the largest family of fruits, including oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, lime, kumquats, lemons and many other varieties. Among them, oranges are traditionally regarded as the main source of vitamin C, and they can also provide a considerable amount of carotene and minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron. In addition, citrus fruits can resist oxidation, strengthen the immune system and inhibit the growth of tumor cells. Australian scientists said that in all the fruit among the highest antioxidant substances contained in citrus, which has more than 170 kinds of phytochemicals, including 60 kinds of flavonoids and 17 carotenoids. Flavonoids have the effects of anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, strengthening blood vessels and inhibiting blood clotting, while carotenoids have strong antioxidant effects. These comprehensive physiologically active ingredients make citrus fruits have an inhibitory effect on the occurrence of various cancers.
Citrus Seasonality Calendar
note: Varies on climate change and source, some citrus may still in stock after/before the season.
Introduction of Different Types of Citrus
Navel Orange
Characterized by the small formation resembling a navel on the blossom end, navel oranges are one of the most popular citrus varieties. Harvested in California and Arizona from November through June, these winter oranges have a slightly thick skin, are seedless and easy to peel, and provide an excellent source of vitamin C. Refreshingly sweet and juicy, they are globally sourced from July through October, providing year-round availability.
Valencia Orange
Known for their perfect balance of sweet and tart flavors, Valencia oranges are ideal for juicing and are an excellent source of vitamin C. Their bold, refreshing, fruity zing is tempered with just the right amount of sweetness. Often called the summer orange, Valencias grown in California and Arizona hit the peak of the season in the warmer months and are available February through early November.
Cara Cara Navel Oranges
This Unique variety looks like a Navel orange on the outside, but the seedless interior has a rich pick hue from the natural presence of lycopene. Available December through May, this extremely sweet navel orange is an excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber.
Blood Orange
Blood oranges have a deep maroon interior and an orange or orange with red blushed exterior. They offer a distinct, rich orange taste with hints of berry, are easy to peel and make a unique and colorful snack or addition to your favorite citrus recipe. Available December through mid-April, one blood orange contains over a full day's supply of vitamin C.
With their crisp aroma and distinct tangy flavor, lemons are one of the most universally loved types of citrus and are widely used in cooking. Available year-round, lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and a healthy substitute for salt, adding flavor without sodium.
Meyer Lemons
Thought to be a cross between a regular lemon and a mandarin, Meyer lemons are a bit sweeter and less acidic than regular lemons with a refreshing herbal scent - perfect for lemon-based desserts and lemonade. while requiring less sugar. Available year-round, Meyer lemons are bright yellow to rich yellow-orange with a thin, tender rind that gives them a smooth, soft feel.
Key Lime
Also known as Mexico or West Indian limes, Key limes are generally small and round with a thin, leathery skin that ranges from light green to yellow. Available year-round, they have a straw yellow flesh and are heavy for their size, indicating high juice content. Key limes are highly aromatic, intensely flavorful and provide an excellent source of vitamin C.
Persian Lime
Bursting with flavor, Persian limes are a staple in cuisines around the world. Typically sold while still dark green in color, limes gradually turn light green as they ripen and are available all year. Persian limes are seedless and will brighten the flavors of your favorite recipes.
California Star Ruby Grapefruit
With its distinctive sweet-tart flavor, the California Star Ruby Grapefruit has a thick yellow skin with a rose blush, and a bright, rich ruby flesh. Available from April through July, this grapefruit is an excellent source of vitamins A and C.
Minneola Tangelo
Also known as Honeybell Orange, Minneola tangelos are easily identified by their distinctive knob-like formation at the stem. A cross between a grapefruit and a tangerine, juicy Minneolas are larger than most mandarins with a deep red-orange exterior and a bold, tangy flavor. Available mid-December through April, Minneolas are a excellent source of both vitamin C and folate.
Clementine Mandarin
Seedless and easy to peel, Clementine is flat-round, with a deep orange smooth glossy skin. They are sweet, juicy and make an excellent treat for lunches, snacks, and recipes. Clementines are available mid-October through December, One serving of two mandarins provides more than a full day's supply of vitamin C.